Sunday, June 11, 2006

World's healthiest foods

This is a site with a list of healthy foods and what makes them so healthy.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My reading list


Here's my planned course of study... the first ten books I plan to read anyway. I'm trying to keep myself at a reasonable pace. My original list is forty books.


Staying Healthy with Nutrition, Elson Haas

Healing with Whole Foods, Paul Pitchford

A Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives, Ruth Winter

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, James Balch, Phyllis Balch

Borrow from Library:

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston Price

You: An Owner's Manual, Michael Roizen

Dr. Jensen's Guide to Body Chemistry and Nutrition

Disease-Proof Your Child, Joel Fuhrman

The Complete Book of Dental Remedies, Flora Parsa Stay

Nutrition and Dental Health, Ann Ehrlich

If any of the library books turn out to be indispensable I'll add them to my "buy" list.
I got a free PDF of a book Man versus Toothache by George W Heard from They have a suggested donation of 10 pounds but you can read books (as PDFs) for free, too. I have read it and plan to post a review soon, as mentioned below.

An informative (and scary) article on flouridization

Water is food too!!
A really good read.
Some interesting excerpts:

--Fluorine is the most highly-reactive and chemically unstable of ALL existing chemical elements. Fluorine is not found by itself in nature, because it is so unstable that it chemically combines--violently, in many cases--with practically any other element.

--Fluorine has the strongest effect of all the halogens. Fluorine is one of the major ingredients in the controversial psycho-active psychiatric drug PROZAC (Fluoxetene Hydrochloride), and also in deadly Sarin military nerve gas, U.S. designation GB. (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl Fluoride).

--The nerve-gas Soman (GD) is chemically similar to Sarin (GB), and they both contain fluorine. They are called "nerve" agents because they directly attack and destroy the nervous system. According to an EPA report (following), once you remove the fluorine from Sarin, all that remains is a non-toxic acid. In other words, fluorine--the same fluorine that is in our drinking water--is what gives sarin its "kick".

--The infamous date-rape hypnotic drug "Roofs" (Rohypnol) is fluorinated Valium, which is reportedly 20-30 times more potent than Valium alone.

--Note the following entry in an EPA/NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) Hazardous Waste book, on page 3066 under SODIUM FLUORIDE: "An experimental tumorigen [deliberately used to cause cancer in laboratory experiments] and teratogen [deliberately used to cause monstrous abnormalities in lab experiments]. Human system overdose effects: Burning, prickling, tingling, itching of the skin, drooping of the eyelid, tremors, extra fluid intake, muscle weakness, headache, EKG [brainwave] changes, cyanosis [bluish skin color from inadequate oxygen], respiratory depression, hypermotility [extremely physically active], diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, salivary gland changes, changes in teeth and supporting structures, musculo-skeletal changes, increased immune system response, and human mutatogenic data [mutates human cells, in other words]. A corrosive irritant to eyes and mucous membranes. Experimental reproductive effects. It is very phytotoxic [toxic to plant life]. Used in chemical cleaning, for fluoridation of drinking water, as a fungicide and insecticide. ... May be a carcinogen."

--In the same reference, page 1735 under FLUORIDES: "Can cause or aggravate attacks of asthma and severe bone changes, making normal movements painful. Some signs of pulmonary fibrosis are noted. Some enzyme systems effects are reported. Loss of weight, anorexia [loss of appetite], anemia, wasting and cachexia [general wasting of the body during a chronic disease], and dental defects are among the common findings in chronic fluoride poisoning. Symptoms of intoxication include gastric, intestinal, circulatory, respiratory and nervous complaints and skin rashes."

Independent scientific evidence over the past 50 years reveals that fluoride allegedly shortens our life span, promotes cancer and various mental disturbances, accelerates osteoporosis and broken hips in old folks, and makes us stupid, docile, and subservient, all in one package. One broad study found a direct relationship between areas that were fluoridated, and reports of hip fractures among the elderly.

Note that an "optimum" level of 1 PPM of natural calcium fluoride in water was what they studied in Texas and Colorado, yet they then dosed our drinking water with 1ppm of the 20-times more toxic hazardous-waste sodium fluoride, openly claiming that equal concentrations of each had exactly the same effect on human health. Thus even their starting premise was apples-versus-oranges.

The 1 PPM value was just picked at random because there were no tests or studies showing exactly what was the "optimum" and because people only supposedly drank one liter of water per day, and 1 milligram was a "proper" daily dose for normal people with normal kidney function. (It turns out that our actual average daily intake of fluoride is 2 mg, however.) During the 1952 Delaney Committee Congressional Hearings, scientists expressed concern that the dosage was much too high, especially for children or people with diabetes or kidney disease.

Scary stuff.

I'm going to review a book by this guy soon, InshaAllah. Here's what he said about Floride ( from the same page )


An often-quoted study favoring fluoridation was done in the 1930's in Hereford, Texas, once billed as "The Town Without Cavities", but there are flaws:

1. Hereford has a high level of naturally-occurring calcium fluoride in the water, not sodium fluoride.

2. According to a letter from Dr. George Heard, the dentist in Hereford, TX who initially promoted Hereford's lack of dental cavities to the dental profession, even the naturally-occurring calcium fluoride in the water supply in Hereford was damaging to people's teeth. After many years of dental practice and observation of dental patients in Hereford, he concluded that fluoride was not beneficial. Here is a 1954 letter from Dr. Heard:

"Hereford, Texas has been called the TOWN WITHOUT A TOOTH ACHE. This is not true. But the phrase has been used effectively by the people interested in marketing SODIUM FLUORIDE all over the country. ...I believe that fluorine does in a mild way, retard cavities, but I also believe that the damage it does is far greater than any good it may appear to accomplish. It even makes the teeth so brittle and crumbly they can be treated only with difficulty, if at all. The dental investigators who came to our county some fifteen years ago did, in my opinion, make a serious mistake when they gave fluorine the credit for our good teeth, and overlooked the quality of food grown in our rich, well mineralized soil. Every person I found who had no dental caries, consumed much milk. Why use a poison, when correct food will maintain our bodies free from diseases and tooth decay? It is hellish and non-American to put poison in city water supplies and force citizens to drink it." George W. Heard, DDS, 15 March 1954.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Where I'm Starting From

In the presence of so much and contradictory information on nutrition I need some frame of reference. I'm going to
My filter will have to be Qur'an and what makes sense. I had a whole list of food related hadith. My scholar brother then told me many of food hadith are fabricated. That was a bit diappointing. So I'll just keep the ones that match up with what I'm learning to be true.
Here are my biases:
Milk is good-
We have Ayat to support this. There are long list of diseases said to be caused by milk. From my research so far, this is because of pasturization, not the inate horribleness of milk.
Raw food-
So far I'm not convinced all food should be eaten raw. Not even to the point of MOST food should be raw. I think (but am not sure) we have rules against raw meat.
I know honey is good. (Again, Ayat) I am willing to concede refined sugars as someting to avoid. My current theory (I love theories) is sweet in an inborn attraction. Breastmilk is sweet. Fruits are sweet.
I know olive oil is good. I need to study more about the particulars i.e. does it have to be extra virgin (probably), how would it have to be stored, etc. I am willing to accept coconut and palm oils. (There are lots of Qur'anic references to palms) I personally need fat with every meal to be happy. Butter? I'm reading lots of good things about it and it tastes delicious!
It wasn't forbidden and we have hadith to eat it every so often. I'm willing to have it limited, but not eliminated.
It's mentioned in a positive way in Qur'an so I am not going with the crowd that says its bad. That it needs certain preparation techniques I'm open to.
That's all I can think of so I'll add more if I remember anything else.

Friday, June 02, 2006


This is my first post on my first blog. I'm starting this blog to chronicle my planned studies in nutrition with an Islamic bent. InshaAllah this will help me keep track of what I'm learning and possibly help someone else in their journey to healthy eating.